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Church Supply

Click to view our full line of Wood Crucifix

When you walk into your local church or cathedral, have you ever really looked around and thought about all the things that make up the Mass or Sunday church service.  As you walk in you may find on the wall a Holy Water Font for you to bless yourself.  As you look out you try to find a seat in a pew or in a chair. You may look up and notice the beautiful  church lighting that makes your church unique.

As you walk down the aisle, you may see your altar and the ambo, many with candles on or around them.  Some of the altars are wood carved and very ornate and some places a very plain humble alter may be present.  You may see a monstrance, which displays the Body of Christ for adoration. You may see your parish’s tabernacle, the vessel that holds consecrated hosts. You may see a wood carved Crucifix over the altar. Some are large and fill the whole area and others may be small that just sit over the altar.

If you look on each wall you may see the Stations of the Cross displayed. Some are done in wood, some in stained glass but in almost all cases you will see these items. Somewhere in the church you may also see a baptismal font. And you may see a crute set that holds oils, unconsecrated wine and you may even see a ciborium, the bowl looking item that holds concentrate and unconsecrated hosts.

So as you look around your parish and start to look at it for all its parts, you will see all the all the many things that go into making your church what it is. Church supply and goods are important to celebrating liturgy, providing the statuary or candles. These are the items that make the Catholic Church Unique

We think that these items are an important part of the ‘Catholic’ experience and that it is an important part of our site.  In 2008, we’ve had a large increase in parish representatives calling us to buy items for ministries. With that, we are adding other items that may make their jobs easier providing a one stop shop for church goods and supplies as well.

Related Topics:
  • Eucharist Supplies
  • Church Statues