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Jesse Tree Advent Wreath

The Jesse tree advent wreath symbolizes the coming of Jesus Christ, the king of the kings and descendent of Jesse, father of King David. This is very well described in the first verse of eleventh chapter of Isaiah. ” A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.


The Jesse Tree is appropriate symbol of Jesus Christ, who is revelation of the grace and faithfulness of the God. After God saved the descendents of Abraham from oppressive rule of the Egyptians and delivered them to good land, they forgot the God who saved them. After passing away of David, the later kings and religious kings served their own selfish interests and started worshipping false gods of the land.


God was pained to see that his beloved people had turned away from him and instead of flourishing and carrying out, HIS purposes, they had disintegrated into a wild bush with useless fruit from the choicest vine of the purest of stocks, which He wanted them to be. But God loved his chosen ones and faithful to his promise, the messiah was born in Bethlehem. The green branch growing from the cut off stump of Jesse tree heralds the

Arrival of messiah to show them the light.


The world knows of the comforting presence of Jesus Christ and peace we all can have. But we still long for full reign of the king and kingdom of peace that we will bring with him. So as we celebrate the birth of the branch, new shoot from the stump of Jesse, in hope and anticipation of second coming of the Christ and completion of divine promise. The Jesse tree, either at home or in the sanctuary can be either be a banner or a poster on a wall with symbols hung from it. If the tree is real, as long as it is green, it should be small one and one ornament a day should be added to it. The ornaments can be simple colored paper or Christian symbol ornaments and should be in white and gold color. Creating a Jesse tree can be connected to advent wreath service by adding one new ornament every day at the time of the prayer service.


The Jesse tree advent wreath is fine biblical example of continuity of events from the old Testament era to the new Testament era, symbolizing God’s patience, love and grace across centuries, to most unlikely people, in midst of their failures. The Jesse tree advent wreath is celebrated as remembrance of God’s sending of his son, Christ, to protect his beloved subjects.


The Jesse tree is decorated with variety of symbols and each symbol representing biblical

Characters right from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ. There are in all 25 symbols and one should be added every day to the Jesse tree in December, leading to Christmas. So right from Adam & Eve to Jesus Christ Jesse tree advent wreath symbolizes events leading up to birth of our Messiah.

This article was published on Friday 29 May, 2009.

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