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The rosary is a prayer that has its roots in the early church that has remained relatively unchanged since the 14th century. Despite many differing opinions, it is assumed that St. Dominic of the order of the Dominicans helped transform the rosary into what it is today.
It is believed that St. Dominic was given the Rosary directly from The Blessed mother. And according to Blessed Alan de la Roche it was done though revelation and was handed down though the Dominican order. It was believed that it was given to help in the fight with the Albigensians that St. Dominick was engaged in.
The Albigensians were a group that lived in the south of france during the 12th century. Their beliefs were heresies, belief that are in violation of the canon. They believe in two Gods who are in opposition to each other. They also did not agree that the church has any authority. They also do not believe in the resurrection. . St. Dominic used the rosary as away to confront the heredities and bring the Albigensians back to central church.
The Early Church was often threaded by these heresies. In response there was often Councils to solve the heresies as they arise. St Dominic was dispatched to help deal with the Albigensians who were growing in numbers.
The history of the rosary it is difficult to trace. There is very limited documentation And though time, the Popes were the biggest advocate of its use. Despite the inability to say with certainty the role of St. Dominic directly there is no doubt of the role of the Dominican devotion to the rosary.
The 12th century rosary contained 150 prayers ,matching the 150 Psalms the residents of a town could hear the monasteries pray. Only a few could read so they would mimic what they would hear using initially the .Our Father. as its base. It then moved to the Hail Mary’s in 3 groups of fifty and was assigned what we know as the Joyful, the Sorrowful and the Glorious Mysteries or events in Christ’s life.
Eventually the beads were assigned the actual Hail Mary prayer we pray today, making it that by the 16th century the Rosary is what we know it to be today with the one addendum of Pope John Paul II making the last change adding the Luminous Mysteries to the fold on the anniversary of his 25th year of being Pope.
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